E80 Group

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Showcasing Italian Production, sustaining productivity and our region, increasing employment in young people and redeveloping existing structures. These were the topics discussed yesterday during the inauguration of Elettric80 LGV’s Carpentry, the new Villa Minozzo Production Hub (Via San Bartolomeo 7/c, Reggio Emilia), born from the partnership between Elettric80 and GorFar, a carpentry firm with a 50-strong team established in 2005 in Carpineti, and today based in the Municipality of Toano.

Taking to the stage, introduced by Erik Bedeschi, Elettric80's Operational Marketing Manager, were Mimmo Costetti, GorFar President, Vittorio Cavirani, Elettric80 Director, Enrico Bini, President of the Mountain Community, and Enrico Grassi, President of Elettric80 and Bema; the audience included representatives of local Institutions, Mayors of Mountain Municipalities and the companies GorFar, Elettric80 and Bema​. 

"Elettric80 LGV's Carpentry will be an efficient and innovative Production Hub, and an opportunity for our region because it will offer many young people born here, and elsewhere, concrete opportunities for work and personal and professional development. With Elettric80, we share not only strategic objectives for industrial growth - laser-guided vehicles will be developed and manufactured at LGV Carpentry - but above all the vision of guaranteeing a prosperous future for our community”, explained GorFar's Mimmo Costetti. “Automation has always fascinated me; so eleven years ago we started collaborating with the Viano-based multinational as external suppliers of structural components for LGVs, one of the most innovative systems in the world and Elettric80's core product", says Costetti -. "A wonderful and challenging collaboration. Year upon year we have grown together, culminating in the creation of this dream".

A dream which has led to the redevelopment of a 2200 square metre factory that, once fully operational, will employee a team of 100. The Production Hub is currently producing 500 LGVs per year, with that number set to increase significantly in the future. In addition to the chassis, the LGV's Carpentry plant will also produce vehicle pillars and equipment.

“E80 Group," specified Vittorio Cavirani, Elettric80 Director, "has always been committed to promoting employment amongst young people, investing in the region's small artisan enterprises, and through collaboration and projects with the Emilia-Romagna Region, with the Mountain and Provincial Municipalities, with schools and universities. Together with GorFar we have added another important element to our industrial and regional portfolio". Elettric80 LGV’s Carpentry is a symbol of Italian Production and teamwork.

"Maintaining the production of our systems within our production fabric", said Cavirani, "is a strategic asset for two reasons. First of all, it responds to the growth that Elettric80 is experiencing: proximity to the Villa Minozzo plant will make it possible to achieve higher volumes of LGVs while maintaining efficient quality control. By producing all of our technology internally, we can verify and intervene, if necessary, just in time, throughout the process, guaranteeing our customers worldwide the quality and innovation that have always distinguished us. What's more, in doing so, we will be adding value to the place where we were born, redeveloping existing areas and structures, not always fully exploited, and offering job opportunities. Elettric80's history proves this: growth comes above all from the quality of people and the sharing of strong values, those that distinguish our community: group spirit, passion, commitment, a sense of responsibility and quality. We have become great by remaining here, in these hills, and investing in people even before technology".



Integration is the future