E80 Group has implemented the requirements of the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and has, therefore, approved of the Organization, Management and Control Model (MOG 231) and appointed the Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza) with the task of supervising the functioning and observance to the Model.
It is also issued a Code of Ethics, which is an integral and essential part of the Model, as a charter of rights and moral duties that define the ethical and social responsibility of all those involved in the Company activities.


With these tools, E80 Group aims at preventing irresponsible or illegal behavior on the part of those who work in the name and on behalf of the Company, since it introduces a clear and explicit definition of the ethical and social responsibilities to the various internal and external stakeholders.

The directors, the members of the supervisory bodies, the entire staff of the Company and the employees have an obligation to apply directly to the Supervisory Board to report any behavior inconsistent with what is indicated in the Model and in the Code of Ethics, by directly submitting their reports to:
Organismo di Vigilanza E80 Group

or in a sealed envelope, by ordinary mail to:
Organismo di Vigilanza E80 Group S.p.A.
Via Marconi, 21
42030 Viano (RE)

The Supervisory Board evaluates the received reports with responsibility and discretion.
It also guarantees the confidentiality regarding the identity of the person who provides and transmits useful information to identify behaviors different from the provisions of the procedures required by the internal control system, the Model and the procedures established for its implementation.